Zoom State
class ZoomState(@FloatRange(from = 1.0 ) val maxScale: Float = 5.0f, contentSize: Size = Size.Zero, velocityDecay: DecayAnimationSpec<Float> = exponentialDecay())
A state object that manage scale and offset.
max Scale
The maximum scale of the content.
content Size
Size of content (i.e. image size.) If Zero, the composable layout size will be used as content size.
velocity Decay
The decay animation spec for fling behaviour.
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constructor(@FloatRange(from = 1.0 ) maxScale: Float = 5.0f, contentSize: Size = Size.Zero, velocityDecay: DecayAnimationSpec<Float> = exponentialDecay())
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suspend fun centerByContentCoordinate(offset: Offset, scale: Float = 3.0f, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(700))
Animates the centering of content by modifying the offset and scale based on content coordinates.
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suspend fun centerByLayoutCoordinate(offset: Offset, scale: Float = 3.0f, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(700))
Animates the centering of content by modifying the offset and scale based on layout coordinates.
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suspend fun changeScale(targetScale: Float, position: Offset, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring()): Job
Change the scale with animation.
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Set the content size.
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Set composable layout size.
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suspend fun ZoomState.toggleScale(targetScale: Float, position: Offset, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring())
Toggle the scale between targetScale and 1.0f.