Package-level declarations
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ScrollGesturePropagation defines when Modifier.zoomable propagates scroll gestures to the parent composable element.
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class ZoomState(@FloatRange(from = 1.0 ) val maxScale: Float = 5.0f, contentSize: Size = Size.Zero, velocityDecay: DecayAnimationSpec<Float> = exponentialDecay())
A state object that manage scale and offset.
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fun rememberZoomState(@FloatRange(from = 1.0 ) maxScale: Float = 5.0f, contentSize: Size = Size.Zero, velocityDecay: DecayAnimationSpec<Float> = exponentialDecay()): ZoomState
Creates a ZoomState that is remembered across compositions.
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fun Modifier.snapBackZoomable(zoomState: ZoomState, zoomEnabled: Boolean = true, onTap: (position: Offset) -> Unit = {}, onDoubleTap: suspend (position: Offset) -> Unit = {}): Modifier
A modifier function that allows content to be zoomable and automatically return to its original size when the finger is released.
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suspend fun ZoomState.toggleScale(targetScale: Float, position: Offset, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring())
Toggle the scale between targetScale and 1.0f.
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fun Modifier.zoomable(zoomState: ZoomState, zoomEnabled: Boolean = true, enableOneFingerZoom: Boolean = true, scrollGesturePropagation: ScrollGesturePropagation = ScrollGesturePropagation.ContentEdge, onTap: (position: Offset) -> Unit = {}, onDoubleTap: suspend (position: Offset) -> Unit = { position -> if (zoomEnabled) zoomState.toggleScale(2.5f, position) }): Modifier
A modifier function that allows content to be zoomable.